Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Love Being a Missionary

Alright so this week was fun.

P-day with the hermanas, we did have horchata and popcorn, but we forgot to make a trap for the rats, and they are too smart to get caught in our rat traps, so I think we still have them, but we haven't seen them so who knows, maybe they got bored and left... haha yeah right.

Junior got confirmed yesterday!!!! He is now officially a member of la iglesia de Jesucristo de los santos de los ultimos dias! And his family and two of his aunts came (we`re teaching all of them, and they`re getting ready to get baptized too! so in the next few weeks :) ) And we had 5 investigators in church yesterday.. five!!! That's amazing. 

The weather is getting better. it rained quite a bit so that always cools things down, but its already getting hot again, so we`ll see how long that lasts.

Yesterday we contacted a guy sitting in front of his house, and as we talked he told us he doesn't believe in God. He thinks Christ was just a regular guy that did really good things, but thats it. I just don't understand how people can't believe in God. Everything proves there is a God. everything. and that he loves us. It's interesting when we talk with people like that (or that tell us how we`re wrong, or that we should stop and just go home, etc,etc) because every time it happens it just strengthens my testimony more. It all just works and fits together so perfectly. As soon as you learn more and start to understand you just can't deny it. I know this is the church of Christ, with his gospel, with his teachings, with his spirit, and with his authority. I know it. And I know why I'm here- to share it with anyone and everyone that will listen.
I love being a missionary! :)

So that's all I can think of.
Love you!!!!

Hermana Urie

Monday, February 10, 2014

Bautismo!! ... y ratas..

So this week we had a baptism!! He`s 8 years old and super excited and prepared for the gospel. His mom is going to get baptized in a couple weeks too. It was so amazing to be at his baptism. He was so excited, and it was so beautiful as I was sitting there and thinking that while yes, I taught him some lessons and helped him out a bit, I really did do anything to get him here. It was all the Lord. The Lord knows what he`s doing. These people were already prepared. He basically just led us to them so we could invite them to take that step, but He really did all the work for us. This work is amazing. Missionary work is amazing.
So there`s my spiritualness for the week, now lets get to Paraguay. HAKU E`TEREI!!!! it is so HOT (in guarani). Someone was talking to us a couple days ago and said that it was like 43 degrees Celsius, which is approximately 110 degrees farenheit. And then you add in the humidity. and then you add in the walking all day in the street. So yeah, its hot. But the rumor is its only gonna get a little bit worse the next couple weeks and in march it`ll start going down, so we`re basically praying for that. We`ve kinda gotten used to the always dripping in sweat thing during the day, but what I don`t like is when the power goes out and we don't have air conditioning at night when we`re sleeping (which happened twice this week). But hey, I don't think I will ever complain about summer heat in Utah ever again.
And Gustavo and Carlotta are still living in our apartment. One day we got home and opened the door to our bedroom and they came running out and ran across Hermana Murguia`s foot. They ran to their little hiding spot in the kitchen where there`s a big area that we cant see very well because the oven is in the way. We put out rat traps but they`re either too smart or too lazy to come out of hiding. but we saw them running around behind the oven yesterday, so they`re still there. But we`ve got a plan. Today, the Hermanas (from the other area in the ward) and coming over and we`re going to figure out a way to trap them and take em out.
Which brings me to my last thought. Today the Hermanas are coming over to hang out for Pday! I haven't hung out with anyone besides just my companion since before the mission! we`re gonna make banana cake and horchata, and talk and listen to EFY cds and maybe watch "The Restauracion" or The testaments, or preach my gospel dvds or something. We`re not really sure, but I`m super excited! (I sound like I'm joking but I am kinda dead serious right now. I know I'm a dorky missionary, it's fine! I love it!)

Anyway, that's all for this week. Love you tons!!!

Hermana Urie

Friday, February 7, 2014


So I am still in La Floresta, but I have a new companion!! Her name is Hermana Murguia. Her parents are from Mexico, but she`s from Utah, so she already spoke English and Spanish fluently before the mission. So nice for when I don't know words in Spanish she can help me, but bad because we are really always just talking in English so I`m not practicing as much as I should be. But we`re making goals to speak English only on p-days, so its good. She super cute, super funny, and super bold. its great! :) She`s been in the mission for 10 months already (so I`m not training yet!). we`ve only been together like 4 days, but I can already tell, we are going to work hard this cambio. She`s super determined.

So we had 3 investigators in church this week!!!!! That's like, amazing. i super excited for this cambio, its gonna be super busy. there are a lot of people here that are converted and ready, we`ve just got to teach them and get them to church.

So we have a couple people we found recently that already have all the lessons and everything from a few months ago, just their circumstances before didn't allow them to get baptized, but things have changed and now they`re ready and supre excited, so we`re basically just reviewing and the lessons and they`re gonna get baptized in the next couple weeks!! yay!! there is so much work to do here but I`m so excited to do it. The mission is amazing. I love it :)

Also, last week when we had cambios, I saw Herman a Espinoza in the terminal (where all the missionaries meet to do changes) and she said the Rosa (my investigator from Reducto) and her son got baptized!!!!!!! I`m so excited for them!!!!

Alright no more time, but next week I`m gonna send pictures and write more. and one of these days I will actually finish one of the many letters that I`ve started and send it to you. love you so much!!!!

Con todo mi amor,
Hermana Urie